Thursday, March 24, 2011


                  Not much has happened since the last time I updated.  I hiked more with my parents and we ended up seeing a fer de lance (really poisonous snake), a white collared peccary (very rare to see, but you smell them often enough!), some howler monkeys up close and personal, along with possible spider monkeys.  And, they got to see a basilisk right before they left, which was pretty cool.  They left on the 13th to see other parts of Costa Rica, and I didn’t do much for most of that week because Eugenia wasn’t around.  On Thursday I left for San Jose with Claire, Mat, Debbie and Stephen because we were going to pick up Claire’s mother and sister from the airport and then Friday morning go to Monteverde.

            Monteverde was fun, it was a long and bumpy bus ride, but it was worth it.  Santa Elena, the town next to the Monteverde reserve was a small touristy town.  We stayed in a pretty nice hostel, and we got some good deals on zip lining and hiking.  We did a zip lining tour that had between 11 and 14 cables (I don’t remember exactly), one of which was called the “Superman” where they strapped you up to the cable by your back so you could glide down the cable and hold your arms out in a superman pose.  Definitely awesome.  The last one was called the Tarzan Swing, where you jumped off of a platform and freefell for a couple seconds and then ended up swinging like a pendulum.  I screamed, but it was a lot of fun too.  Definitely worth the $40.  The next day we hiked through the Santa Elena cloud forest (which is basically the same thing as the Monteverde cloud forest) and here are some cool picts!

            We came back on Sunday and I have actually had a little bit of work to do! The kids were supposed to come this week, but the program wasn’t ready yet, so they aren’t coming until April 5th.  But I get to make a bat tent identification sheet that the kids can take out into the forest with them.  I’m trying to take my time with it because I know I won’t have much to do.  On the plus side, I got my camera last week! FINALLY!  Those pictures of the cloud forest above? MINE.  Horay! At least now I can go out into the forest and look for stuff to take pictures of when I’m bored now.

            Oh, and Tuesday we went to a little hidden waterfall back on some guys farm in La Virgen (the town I live in) and jumped from the cliff into the pool below.   The place was called Pozo Azule, and it was amazing.  Someone had to lead me up the path the entire way because I had to go without my glasses, so it was almost scarier going up to the cliff than to jump.  Almost.  The first jump I did pretty well, I only hurt the inside of my arms, but the second jump I landed smack on my butt.  I emerged from the water and all I could say was “OWWWWWWW” for a good couple minutes.  It was really a beautiful and secluded place, and I wish I had brought my camera!
            I have no plans for this weekend, probably staying here and getting up early to see if I can get some good animal picts.  My Ball State friends only have 2 more weeks here, and it’s really sad.  I’m going to miss them a lot.  Costa Rica won’t be the same without them!

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